Link building has always been a critical part of off-page SEO strategy. Recently our experts at White Label SEO Lab analyzed over 1 million Google search results and found that backlinks do impact search engine rankings more than any other ranking factor. This eventually gives you a better idea about the importance of backlinks and therefore links are the top key to your SEO success and to achieve better ranking, you must know all the link building mistakes to avoid in 2022. The number of quality backlinks can hence impact:

  • Your search rankings.
  • Website search traffic.
  • Overall sales.

But there also exists a sad truth because most people still do a ton of link building mistakes that are costing them more revenue and hurting their search rankings unknowingly. So through this blog post, the link building experts at White Label SEO Lab are going to discuss some of the costliest mistakes most people make and if you are performing any of this activity, and also get acknowledged with how to avoid link building mistakes if you’re making any of them to get better results.

Doing it the right way: How to Avoid Link Building Mistakes?

1. Buying the Links:

Buying and selling of links can be bad and hurt your blog in search engine rankings results. Search engine users are getting smarter and they have a specially designed algorithm that can sense if you buy paid links from other sources. Google even possesses insider systems where people can report for toxic links sold by directories or PBN networks, hence it is advised to make sure to avoid the mistake of buying links. When Google Page Rank created a lot of appeal among the bloggers, it became a general trend to get the links prepared from external sources in return for small costs. These spam links were one of the prime reasons why Google killed its PageRank algorithm. If you also tried to obtain the benefits from the previous method, it is high time for you to remove all those spam links before they are tracked and then penalized by Google itself.

2. Not Removing Toxic Links:

Did you know about the recent Google’s Penguin update? If not, our experts will explain it to you in simple terms. Penguin update was specifically designed to enhance Google’s search results by removing the web pages who contain toxic backlinks. Toxic backlinks are defined as those unnatural and irrelevant backlinks that harm the search engine rankings of a website. In relevance to that, Penguin update was introduced to mainly focus on penalizing the websites with a ton of toxic links along with a bad backlink profile.

3. Don’t Make Too Much of DoFollow links:

One of the biggest in the list of link building mistakes most people can make is building only one kind of backlinks i.e either dofollow or nofollow links. Building only one type of backlinks is a poor SEO practice and Google might start penalizing your website for such link building practice and behavior.

Furthermore, nofollow links don’t give any value to your search engine results as they do not pass any link juice to your keywords, pages or websites but they give your website a great boost in terms of search engine optimization especially when you get nofollow links from varied domains.

4. Use Of Optimized Anchor Texts:

This is another major mistake most people make even in the year 2022. Are you also thinking that you can get better search rankings by getting backlinks with keyword stuffed anchor texts with them? Well, this may be a wrong prediction as Google treats optimized anchor text links as a black hat SEO strategy and your website might get penalized if you are overdoing it.

If you are using the same anchor text while building links on different blogs, you are bound to face a penalty instead of a healthy promotion. These links would soon be marked as spam by Google. You should avoid using the same anchor text too much and use a number of combinations to make it more natural to Google bots.

5. Link Building Through Irrelevancy:

If you own a blog on cloud computing, then building a backlink on some portal based on beauty or health remedies is certainly not a good idea. Bloggers often tend to make links on high ranking websites without considering the fact and matching of niches. Before you make a link, make sure that the host blog has a similar type of niche as your own blog.

SEO experts at White Label SEO Lab say that you can still build quality links from other niches too but you need to be very careful to write a high quality guest post that is in relevance to your topic as well. Only then you can get optimal results otherwise it will not be counted as a smart link building strategy.

6. Obtaining Links From No Index Pages and Domains:

There are individuals who build links from no-index pages or domains and websites. If a website or page is not indexed on Google and if you are trying to obtain links from those pages, your website will have a high chance of getting penalized because of Google search bots and algorithms. Whether you are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, ensure to avoid such mistakes to play your rankings safe in Google search results.


We all know that there are a lot of link building techniques which one may follow to develop good quality backlinks. But we also make a couple of unworthy link building mistakes that can harm our websites in the long run. The intention behind writing this guide from White Label SEO Lab is to make you alert to stay away from such bad link building strategies to get better rankings and search traffic to your websites.

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