You have seen those Google 5-star ratings next to certain legal websites after you do a Google search. Did you ever wonder how they got there, or why most other law firm sites don’t have any star ratings?  

Well, if that question has gnawed at you, or if you want to have star ratings next to your legal website in a Google search, then you have come to the right place. 

What Did Google Do With My Review Stars?

You may have already noticed that the search results for your law firm no longer look like this:

Search Results


Now showing search results for your law firm without a star rating, look like this:

Without Review Rating


Now Google changed its policy. It will not show a star rating if you use a personal review schema in the legal website from 2021. For showing a star rating in Google you need to update the review Schema.

What Should Lawyers Do About Google’s Review Schema Changes? 

Yes, it’s a little frustrating, but review schema changes have been done. Remember Google changes search results display all the time, this is not surprising. This is just the latest tweak. 

If you want to show your law firm results in SERP with a star rating use the below review rating schema.

<script type=”application/ld+json”>{
“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “Product”,
“name”: “Brand Name”,
“image”: “Image_URL”,
“description”: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dictum pharetra ipsum vel pretium. Praesent congue porttitor tellus eget porttitor. Nulla eleifend nulla non odio mattis blandit non nec lacus. Aliquam suscipit ligula at turpis mattis, et aliquam lectus faucibus. Proin at accumsan magna.”,
“sku”: “100”,
“brand”: “Brand Name”,
“mpn”: “Brand Name”,
“aggregateRating”: {
“@type”: “AggregateRating”,
“ratingValue”: “5”,
“reviewCount”: “27”
“review”: {
“@type”: “Review”,
“reviewRating”: {
“@type”: “Rating”,”ratingValue”: “5”,

“bestRating”: “5”,
“worstRating”: “1”
“author”: {
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “Brand Name”
“offers”: {
“@type”: “Offer”,
“price”: “0”,
“priceValidUntil”: “2050-12-31”,
“priceCurrency”: “USD”,
“itemCondition”: “”,
“availability”: “”,
“url”: “Website_URL”

Once you’re done, make sure you:

  1. Check your schema with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. Google will let you know if there are any mistakes in your code.
  2. Add review rating schema above header.
  3. Re-submit your XML sitemap in Google Search Console Tools to ensure that Google indexes your changes as soon as possible!
  4. Check your success in a week or so through an organic search rather than a site search. 

After the successful implementation, your results will show with a star rating look like this:

With Review Rating


Want to take advantage of more features that enhance the search results people see for your law firm, contact our SEO experts at White Label SEO Lab. We are experts in helping digital marketing agencies get the top ranking for their clients.

FAQs Section

Q: Why don’t most law firm websites have star ratings in Google search results?

A: Most law firm websites don’t have star ratings in Google search results because of changes in Google’s review schema policy.

Q: What is Google My Business (GMB)?

A: Google My Business is a free tool that allows local businesses to manage their online presence on Google Search and Maps.

Q: What is the purpose of Google My Business?

A: The purpose of Google My Business is to help local businesses increase their visibility on Google Search and Maps, manage their business profile, and interact with customers.

Q: How can law firms benefit from guest blogging?

A: Guest blogging allows law firms to showcase their expertise, increase their authority and credibility, attract more clients, and improve their search engine rankings.

Q: How do unauthorized edits in Google My Business listings affect businesses?

A: Unauthorized edits in Google My Business listings can negatively impact businesses by causing tracking and ranking issues, as well as providing a poor user experience for potential customers.

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