How To Setup Event Tracking in Google Tag Manager?

When you run a business website, you may wish to track if a user had an interaction with your website that leads to conversion. Some of the most common events you may want to track are Phone Calls, Email Clicks,...

How important is Google My Business Optimization?

The whole world is trying various aspects to get their business on top and why not after all every industry is filled with competition and everyone is working hard to take a position in the market. One of the most...

How To Get Stars In Google Search Results for Your Law Firm?

You have seen those Google 5-star ratings next to certain legal websites after you do a Google search. Did you ever wonder how they got there, or why most other law firm sites don’t have any star ratings?   Well, if...

How to Set Up Goal for Thanks Page as Destination in Google Analytics 4

Are you new to Google Analytics 4? and seeking an opportunity to set up a goal for order confirmation/successful form submissions, then you are in the right blog. We are here to help you with our new guide for GA4. ...

How To Find & Get A Guest Post At Low Cost?

Throughout its history, search engine optimization has given rise to various link building strategies, some of which are considered spammy backlinks while others are not. Among the few link building techniques that continue to be effective when executed properly is...

Pros and Cons of White Label SEO

The full form of SEO is "Service Engine Optimisation". It simply means the procedure of increasing the visibility of the websites for appropriate searches.  If anyone has the best visibility and more search results, then it automatically draws the attention...

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